
Introducing the Hazard Assessment Simulation and Prediction (HASP) Suite

A comprehensive suite of CBRN hazard intelligence tools, designed to empower users to completely assess the potential development and impacts of an incident.

Created in conjunction between the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and Riskaware, and licensed by Ploughshare Innovations, the suite contains a number of components which provide expansive situational awareness and in-depth decision support for CBRN/HazMat events.

The HASP Suite tools are available independently, or through our UrbanAware platform, and can be used in conjunction for comprehensive detection, analysis, modelling and simulation.

To find out more about the components that make up the powerful HASP Suite, download the datasheets.

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Submit your details below to get the Hazard Assessment Simulation and Prediction (HASP) Suite Datasheets (set of 6 PDF datasheets)